Early years
isn’t an easy industry:
Running a successful early year’s setting can be challenging. A lot to do but small amount of time to do it. There is also regular updated guidelines, legislation, and curriculums to contend with.
As nursery owners ourselves we understand this better than most as we have firsthand knowledge and experience of what it takes to operate and manage a setting big or small and we’re very passionate about helping other setting out there to succeed. We can help you achieve your goal by identifying staff training needs, gaps in safe practice, and work closely with your management team to ensure policies are up to date with current regulations and complaint in all areas, for you to provide “Good to Outstanding” childcare and run a successful business.
Below are the services we provide:
Pre and Post inspection support:
Find out where your setting sits with an inspection, just like the real thing. We will grade your settling against the Ofsted criteria and give you feedback so you would be able to address any concerns before inspection day. If your Ofsted inspection didn’t go to plan, we can further support you to get you where you need to be.
Policy and Procedures Documentation Review:
Implementing your Policies and Procedures into your setting can be a difficult process. With some policies it can take time to read them all and fully understand them, also making sure that all practitioners have read and understand them can be a difficult job. As Ofsted will be asking practitioners about your policies and procedures, it is more important than ever that practitioners fully understand each policy. We can review your current documents and offer advice and Insite to promote safeguarding practice throughout each policy and provide any updated information on new policies and changes.
Tailored Advice and compliance:
We can regularly visit your setting to complete compliance checks and make sure all EYFS requirements are being met. We can support you in any compliance issues and get you back on track should things go wrong. We can quickly identify your strengths and areas for improvement and help bring out the best in your everyday practice, we will work with you to achieve the vision you have for your setting.
Start up support for New Nurseries:
We can provide everything from advice on writing a business plan, registering and preparing for your 1st Ofsted visit (registration visit), finding a suitable building, nursery resources, recruitment, full operating package including policies and procedures, staff training and ongoing educational and business support.
Risk assessment reviews:
Review your current Risk Assessments and provide advice and support where necessary.

No two nurseries are alike. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to childcare that can be conveniently applied to every pre-school setting. That’s why we carefully observe your current practices, consulting with you, your staff and your parents/carers to identify areas where you are succeeding and areas that could be improved.

We’ll help you to implement a sound safeguarding policy, train staff effectively and deliver a curriculum that provides equal opportunities and facilitates positive development for all children. Get in touch to speak with us about your requirements.
A tailored, personalised
approach to consultancy
Please see our Early Years
Consultancy reviews